Breeze block
Breeze block

breeze block

You may return shipments for credit within 21 days. You authorize Annie's to automatically charge your credit card or payment method each month for $29.99 (plus $10 shipping for Canadian addresses). You will receive nine monthly shipments, which include a new pattern, fabrics, and directions to complete each monthly block. Ordering this items enrolls you as a member of the Norfolk Summer Breeze Block of the Month. Your first block will ship the first week of the month (although it could be sooner). You will receive a total of 9 leaflets and over 15 yards of fabric when you are finished with the program. Quilt requires 7 yards of backing fabric, not included. On the 9th month, you will receive all finishing instructions along with all finishing fabric for the quilt top and binding. When you sign up for this BOM program, each month, you will receive a block pattern, along with all of the fabric needed to complete that pattern. Some of the blocks included are: spool blocks, basket blocks, flying geese, maple leaf, star blocks and more! The beautiful paisley and floral prints featured in this quilt are from Moda’s Summer Breeze collection. Wendy has kept things exciting by including a wide variety of blocks that work so well together. This Block of the Month pattern was designed by quilting expert and fan-favorite, Wendy Sheppard.

breeze block

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breeze block

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Breeze block