The hindsight bias
The hindsight bias

the hindsight bias the hindsight bias the hindsight bias

In addition a follow-up surprise rating (paper and pencil) in China (35 participants) and Germany (20 participants) revealed that only less surprising items led to hindsight bias while more surprising ones did not. While the latter effect may be based on peculiarities of the material and of the participants, the former underscores the worldwide stability of the phenomenon. Hindsight bias was large and similar for all samples except for German and Dutch participants who showed no hindsight bias at all. We extended these studies with 225 Internet participants, in a hypothetical design, from four different continents (Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America). In a second study, in which participants were asked to recall what they had estimated before they knew the outcome ("memory design"), the latter authors found no difference in hindsight bias between Japanese people and Canadians. Heine and Lehman (1996), however, reported that Japanese people in comparison to Canadians showed marginally less hindsight bias. Asking their participants what they would have guessed before they knew the outcome ("hypothetical design"), Choi and Nisbett (2000) found that Koreans, in comparison to North Americans, exhibited more hindsight bias. Recently, two experiments extended the research to include samples from different cultures (Choi & Nisbett, 2000 Heine & Lehman, 1996). Hindsight bias refers to the tendency to overestimate in hindsight what one has known in foresight.

The hindsight bias